the extream truth: human bieng are not conscious

the extream truth: human beings are not conscious It's our behavior we all busy to implement our life through hard work and unseen the reality of life. Life is going on to complicated day to day because we don't come out from our unconscious mind. Which is in front of us and is involved with our life, we left it and run to get a different thing and finally we make a different world. Everyone knows if he is born, then he will die, but nobody knows what is the purpose of birth. For the purpose of birth, someone wants to become an engineer, doctor or something else, but this will not stop the game of birth or death; The purpose of birth is to serve the need, to create a reverence for others within yourself, to serve poor people as a human being. We don't Respect to the woman:- Why we don't Respect the woman? If we look back on history, the woman is forever oppressed, deprived and oppressed by society. In modern times, its effect was not completely over. In Indi...