Pakistani militant attack on India in jammu kasmir 'pulgama'...

Pakistani militant attack on India in jammu kasmir 'pulgama'

Pakistani militant attack on India in jammu kasmir 'pulgama'

after exploits

14/02/2019, Pulwama- this is the biggest attack on India. more than 40 c.r.p.f jawan martyr in this incident. the mastermind of this attack is Adil Ahamed/wakas belonging from jaish-e-  Mohammad terror organization. the terror Adil was very active of his activity, this incident happens when across 2500 c.r.p.f cross a bridge at 3.15 p.m. According to the formula is going to know A car filled with 150kg/200kg explosions collided with the c.r.p.f bus and executed the suicide attack.

Pakistani militant attack on India in jammu kasmir 'pulgama'
 last the year 2016 was the biggest attack from this organization on Indian soldier camp, 18 soldiers martyred on that time. the terror Adil Ahamed also died. c.r.p.f chief Even listening to discipleship Delhi and sit defense minister. defense minister tomorrow going to Pulwama and see the spot. The whole country is resonating with across. The whole country is demanding Prime Minister and a surgical strike against Pakistan. Narendra Modi also tweets the Army's martyrdom will not go unnecessarily. all the Indian politicians condemn of this incident without Kashmiri leader Mehabooba mufti. 


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