Article 370 & 35A was a result of 'Nehru'

Article 370 & 35A was a result of 'Nehru'
Abdullah & Nehru
Article 370 and 35A is the biggest scamp in the Indian constitution, India get freedom on 15 August 1947, But 20 October 1947 free Kashmir soldiers doing the joint operation with Pakistani soldiers and capture a large area of Kashmir province. 'Maharaja Hari Sing' was the king of the Kashmir region in this time, During this situation 'Maharaja Hari Sing' contact 'Sekh Abdullah' and announced 'Instruments of Accession of Jammu & Kashmir to India' to help the PM 'Jahwarlal Nehru' of that time. With this commitment, Article 370 and 35A were included in the Indian constitution and applied on 17 November 1952. According to this Article 370 Indian governance has no right to interfere without Defence, foreign policy, and Information surveys in the Kashmir province. We all know that our Hindustan was free. On August 15, 1947, became a Pakistan and became a Hindustan, do we know that Hindustan was divided into two pieces after independence, Azad Kashmir and Hindustan? And even today we say with great pride our Kashmir. We perform in the Corruption of the government, if anything goes wrong at the social level, then the candle march comes out, but in spite of knowing such a big conspiracy in the Indian constitution, we the Spineless Indians are nothing do anything.

What has been given right in Article 370:-

The basic purpose of implementing Article 370 was to promote the radicalization in the Kashmir region. Unfortunately, they have been successful until now. Pakistan plays a major role in this conspiracy. According to Article 370 in Kashmir province.......

1. According to the constitution of India Article 370 provides certain provisions to the state of Jammu & Kashmir, granting it special autonomy.
2. The Article says the provision of Article 238 which was omitted from the constitution in 1956, When Indian states were recognized, shall not apply to the state to the Jammu & Kashmir.
3. Except for defense, foreign affairs, and communication, all other laws passed by the Indian parliament need to be passed by the state government before they are made applicable, This specific accession was signed by that time 'Maharaja Hari Sing'. As a result of this, the citizens of Jammu& Kashmir are governed by the state-specific laws.
4. This Article along with Article 5 that define the contours of jurisdiction Indian parliament regarding lawmaking of the state, cannot be amended.
5. The 1952 Delhi agreement also specified that the state should have its own flag in addition to the union flag and they should have the same status.
6. The Jammu & Kashmir state head called 'Sadar-i-Riyasat'- Prime minister of J&K. Elected by the J&K state legislature, Sheikh Abdullah was prime minister of that time.
7. The agreement opposed the imposition of Article 352 empowering the president to proclaim general emergency in the state.
8. It provides a fairly high degree of autonomy to the state, According to the J&K constitution permits the state to give some special privileges to its permanent residents.
9. A shocking privilege is only a permanent resident of J&K can buy land in the state and citizens from other Indians can't buy any piece of land in Jammu & Kashmir.
10. J&K citizens have dual citizenship, First, they are J&K citizens than an Indian.
11. J&K legislature assembly's term is 6 years whereas it's 5 years for the states of India.
12. The order of the supreme court of India is not valid in Jammu & Kashmir.
13. Parliament of India may make lows in extremely limited areas in terms of Jammu & Kashmir.
14. In Jammu & Kashmir, If a woman marries a person of any other state in India, citizenship will end of the female. whereas if she marries Pakistani she will be entitled to have a citizenship of J&K.
15. In J&K According to 370- RTI, RTE, CBI, CAG, and Indian laws are not applicable. whereas Shariat laws applicable to woman J&K.
16. there are no rights to panchayats in Kashmir minorities (Hindu, Sikh) do not get any reservation and they have not owned land in Kashmir.
Nehru Smoker

What has been given right in Article 35A:-

The article comes with a tag that said it was temporary, giving hope that the state would also be integrated with time, however, the day sadly has not yet come. The main clause of repairing this article was when there would be real peace and also when the people of the state approved of this agreement. 35A is the special provision joint with article 370 of the Indian constitution It allows them to prefer the Jammu & Kashmir citizens.

1. Employment provides under the J&K state Government.
2. For J&K citizens acquisition of immovable property in the state.
3. Settlement in the state of J&K people
4. Right to scholarships and such other forms of aid as state Government may provide to J&K people.

Facing problems behind Article 370 & 35A:-

Getting many more advantages according to Article 370 and 35A, there have more problems in Jammu & Kashmir where people are facing. Lack of medical facilities, No single hospital is there I Jammu which includes adjoining districts. Terrorism in the state is because of 370 and because of Pakistan's claim over Kashmir. Lack of basic modern facilities like High-speed Internet, 24 hours electricity, water supply and more in daily life use. In education, competition makes the progress of students slow and dull. No outside industrial sector available because of Article 370 and terrorism, the definite job vacancy is limited here. Corruption is much more because of special status and laws. Only Muslims can become Chief Minister, no Hindu can become CM In J&K. GDP growth is low as well as revenue. Most of the worry According to this Article unemployed people redirect to terrorism.

Last 70-decade Brutality by Jammu & Kashmir State:-

Last 70-decade Brutality by Jammu & Kashmir going to the Inhuman phase. Jammu & Kashmir is the Indian border area with Pakistan. Much more terror organizations exist here some of them supplies from Pakistan. Jammu & Kashmir have a multi-party democratic system of Governance, Indirectly all that works for Pakistan. So we can say Jammu & Kashmir is the mini Pakistan where Thousand of Indian Army martyred only for J&K state policy. On the coming days, the flag of Pakistan has waved, Kill innocent people and in J&K state they used Grenade, Palate gun, RDX, AK-47, and more weapons. In 1990 they had removed out with a lot of cruelty to 3.5 lakh Kashmiri Pandits. Inhuman torture and stone throwing to the Indian Army are still in force. It's all about happening because of article 370 and 35A, ex-PM Jahwarlal Nehru played the major role behind it for his political agenda. Former Indian PM Jawaharlal Nehru was engaged in the sycophancy of Sheik Abdullah for his chair.

Is India taking action of Article 370 & 35A:-

fortunately, the present BJP Government Has taken initiative to finish this is Article. The present Government wants to finish it by supreme court interfering. It's the glory of the Indians that an unconstitutional article will be finished as soon as possible. After withdraw, India will be free from terrorism and radicalization. The NGO 'we the citizens' social worker 'Pushpednra Kulshreshth' with his two friends filed a petition of 35A in the Supreme Court. And put this thing in front of the country. unfortunately, one of the friends of 'Pushpendra Ji' dies mysteriously during the petition. Instead of Nehru, if there was a prime minister like respected Pushpendra Kulshreshth Ji.

Today our India made a special identity in many sectors in the world. But in India, where the law is enacted by the approval of the two House according to the constitution, that time on 17 November 1952 Neheru granted both Articles (370, 35A) by only the presidential signature. On that time how barbaric were my India and ruler?

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